SHAPE is an acronym (click on each letter to find out more)

Deeper meaning:

We may find ourself using one or more of these types of phrases:

These are just a few examples of some of the things we can say to ourselves, when something is not quite right and we don’t know how to put it into words. Shape Wellbeing aims to identify when this happens and give you tools and techniques to deal with an unexpected situation and also to be able to plan so that the situation does not occur in the first place.

The programme helps you to identify what shape you are in  and what shape would be better for you in a variety of circumstances. It gives you the tools and strategies to become the shape you want to be and to make self directed changes for the future.

Shapes are not fixed or solid. If you put enough pressure on them they will react – just like you. Therefore you need to be flexible and adaptable towards a shape that fits the situation.

Shape Wellbeing is all about self discovery. You need to take the first step by recognising that then acknowledging what shape you are currently in personally before you can begin to understand and commit to change. 

There may be lots of ways that you are out of shape from a business situation to domestic or social. You do not have to reveal anything you do not feel comfortable with during the course. Your level of disclosure is always up to you.

You don’t have to be in ‘bad shape’, just not the shape you ideally want to be. This level of discomfort can eventually lead to issues. Nobody can tell you what the ideal shape for you is – that will be up to you. But we can give you the tools and techniques so that you decide for yourself.